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Isentress (Raltegravir) Pricing: Community Sign-On Letter
Summary: The Fair Pricing Coalition and others are collecting signatures until this important Merck drug (the first integrase inhibitor) is approved and launched.
The Fair Pricing Coalition is asking Merck to price its new and very important integrase inhibitor at a level everyone can live with. The letter is seeking organization and individual signers until the official launch of the drug, when the price will be announced.
"A new HIV drug produced by Merck is about to be approved by the Food & Drug Administration in early October. While this is great news, especially for people who have developed resistance to existing therapies, the pricing of this treatment will have a major impact on the various publicly funded programs like Medicaid, Medicare, and the AIDS Drug Assistance Program, all of which are already straining at the breaking point.
"Please join the Fair Pricing Coalition by signing onto the following statement to Merck. ..."
For the text of the letter and instructions for signing, visit
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