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Major International AIDS Society Conference in Sydney, Australia, July 22-25
Summary: Watch for treatment and prevention research news late this month, and following.
The Fourth IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention will take place July 22-25 in Sydney, Australia. Many studies will be released at or shortly before the conference; for example, see The Lancet issue of July 7, 2007:
(free registration required for article access).
For those not going (including AIDS Treatment News -- it's a long, expensive trip for three and a half days of meetings at a 10-hour time change), Kaiser Family Foundation is providing official news coverage, and Clinical Care Options is providing official in-depth scientific coverage. Also check AIDS sites and publications, and general news reports. Some places to start:
One focus of this conference will be biomedical prevention; see
(free registration required). Another focus will be the need for operations research in delivering prevention and care.
For more information, including details of the scientific program, see the official conference site, http://www.ias2007.org/
[Note: Another AIDS medical meeting, the 9th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Lipodystrophy in HIV, will take place in Sydney just before the IAS conference, July 19-21. For more information see http://www.intmedpress.com/lipodystrophy/. After the conference, watch for reports in various AIDS publications and Web sites during the next several months.]
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