AIDS Treatment News Search Engine: Search more than 140 major sites selected by AIDS Treatment News with a standard Google search in the box above. Find almost anything as it relates to HIV/AIDS, for example: Obama; testing; Trizivir; integrase; "hepatitis C"; "monoclonal antibodies"; global; HIV 2009; prison; ADAP; PREP. [Mobile phone, use www.aidsnews.org/m]
AIDS Treatment News : You Can Help Us Improve It
Summary: This 7-question survey will help us improve our new service at www.aidsnews.org/now. We most want to know if you would prefer separate feeds for certain categories of news.
AIDS Treatment News recently started a free service at www.aidsnews.org/now -- we watch for developments and post titles and Web links to newspaper stories and journal articles that we think our readers will find interesting. Sometimes we comment on the news. We select an average of several new articles a day; sometimes they appear on our site on the first day the story is reported anywhere.
To read the news, visit www.aidsnews.org/now and scroll down as necessary to see the 10 most recently posted stories, in the center column on the page. To get more stories, you can click the buttons either at the beginning or the end of the first 10. Note: we are using the Connotea service of Nature Publishing Company (which publishes Nature, Nature Medicine, and dozens of other journals).
Let Us Know What You Want
You can help us improve www.aidsnews.org/now by answering as many as you want of the following questions. Email the answers to aidsnews@aidsnews.org -- or mail them to AIDS Treatment News, 1233 Locust St., 5th floor, Philadelphia PA 19107, before the end of March 2007. Just write the answers in an email or on a piece of paper -- no need to copy the questions, but include the question numbers 1-7 so we know which question you are addressing. We will read all the replies but cannot answer them all individually.
1. So far we have included newspaper stories written for everyone, and also journal abstracts or full-text articles written for medical professionals. Should we make this service easier to read by putting these onto different Web pages?
2. Are there any kinds of news or other articles that you want to see more of, on www.aidsnews.org/now? List the 1, 2, or 3 most important subjects we should cover more.
3. Are there any kinds of news or other articles that you want to see less of? Let us know what kind.
4. Are there any topics that you would like to be able to select, by visiting a special Web page that shows those articles only? Please let us know what kind of articles you would like us to put in a separate place (either because you like them, or because you don't like them -- but let us know which).
5. From what you have seen so far, does our news feed at www.aidsnews.org/now seem useful enough to be worth checking once a week or more? What else could we do to improve it?
6. Have you ever used an RSS reader?
7. In the last few months, what one, two, or three Web sites, print publications, or other sources did you find most important for AIDS treatment information?
Please email the survey to aidsnews@aidsnews.org -- OR mail your answers to: AIDS Treatment News, 1233 Locust St., 5th floor, Philadelphia PA 19107.
Return to home page: www.aidsnews.org
Free subscription to announcements online: send a blank email to subscribe@aidsnews.org -- and reply to the email request from Yahoo to confirm your subscription. You will receive about five emails or fewer per month and can leave the list at any time. Or just visit www.aidsnews.org to read the articles -- no subscription or registration required.
Copyright 2007 by John S. James. We prefer that you link to www.aidsnews.org or a specific article -- no permission required. Otherwise permission is granted for nonprofit use. Please check with us (aidsnews@aidsnews.org) before copying articles more than a year old.