AIDS Treatment News Returns
Summary: After five months we are publishing again
This is the first AIDS Treatment News since the December issue, which was published in January 2006. We are now back to monthly publication, and apologize for the unplanned interruption. Subscriptions will be extended to include the correct number of issues.
The gap happened because we were unhappy about not addressing key needs and opportunities today, to remain relevant in changing times. Here is our thinking now.
We see three main kinds of articles:
(1) Individual empowerment, helping people understand their medical care, both immediately and for the future. These will report drug approvals, safety concerns, treatment strategies, healthy living, biomedical research, access to care, and related information. We will often recommend articles by others.
(2) Community empowerment, activism, and public policy -- what communities can do collectively to support research, access to care, and other measures to control the epidemic. These will include outstanding examples of successful activism, and current action alerts.
(3) Other opportunities, such as improving medical research and practice through better online information. This writer developed computer software before starting AIDS Treatment News, and hopes to use the combined experience to make unique contributions.
AIDS Treatment News has reported on AIDS for 20 years, and will apply this perspective in recommending information on treatment, activism, and communication.
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Copyright 2006 by John S. James. We prefer that you link to www.aidsnews.org or a specific article -- no permission required. Otherwise permission is granted for nonprofit use. Please check with us (aidsnews@aidsnews.org) before copying articles more than a year old.