Bad Law in Congress This Week
Summary: We asked readers to call their U.S. Representative before the vote on February 1 to oppose a budget bill with huge Medicaid (Medical Assistance, Medi-Cal) cuts. Unfortunately the House passed the bill by a vote of 216-214.
On Wednesday February 1 the U.S. House will vote on a budget reconciliation bill, including Medicaid "reform" that has lots of problems:
As we went to press, the Congressional Budget Office released a report with detailed estimates of the impacts on Medicaid of the budget bill. For example, 80% of the savings will come from denial of medical care. In 2010, 65,000 people will lose Medicaid coverage due to the premiums alone, and about 60% of them will be children. And each year, 120,000 new people will be denied nursing home coverage under Medicaid by one provision alone. For more information, see The New York Times January 30, "Budget to Hurt Poor People on Medicaid, Report Says," by Robert Pear.
What will be the public-health consequences of having thousands of people sick or dying at all times, due to treatable but untreated illnesses? What will be the moral consequences for our society?
Non-health consequences include billions of dollars cut from student loans, which will prevent many people from getting a college education.
This almost 800-page bill was voted at 3 a.m. just hours after it was printed, before House members had time to read it; it passed by six votes, 212 to 206. The Senate was tied 50-50, and Vice President Cheney broke the tie. The Senate had previously passed a much better version, but it was totally rejected in a midnight "conference" meeting of a handful of members of Congress, all Republican. For technical reasons the law must be voted again in the House, and that is what happens February 1. There is no new vote in the Senate; if the bill passes the House on February 1, it will go to President Bush, who will sign it into law.
Every Democrat in the House is likely to vote against the budget bill that includes these Medicaid changes, and some Republicans as well. The vote will be close. If your Representative is Republican, urge him or her to vote against the budget bill (calls to Democrats can help too). You can call the Capitol Switchboard toll-free at 800-426-8073 and ask to be connected to your Representative's office. Remember that your Representative did not have time to read the bill before -- but let him or her know that you will remember the upcoming vote in November. If you can do more, write to newspapers, blog, call talk shows, or explain the situation to friends so that they can help as well.
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