Buyers' Club List, December 2005
Summary: Each year AIDS Treatment News publishes an updated list of buyers' clubs.
AIDS Treatment News publishes a buyers' club list each December. For a short overview and introduction to the meaning, history, and services of these organizations, see AIDS Treatment News #309, December 18, 1998.
All the organizations listed below are nonprofit. Most can provide products by mail order. Most have fact sheets or other information, and some have a nutritionist or other expert available at certain times to answer questions. Some offer financial assistance with purchases if necessary. Most are open to the public, but some require membership. Call ahead for current information.
The same organizations were also listed in December 2004. Some of the contact information has changed.
Body Positive's Vitamin and Herb Shop
1144 E. McDowell Rd, Suite 200
Phoenix AZ 85006
Travis Wright Memorial Buyers' Club
Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation
375 S. Euclid Ave
Tucson AZ 85719
800-771-9054 or 520-628-7223
fax: 520-628-6222; TTY: 800-367-8939
Rainbow Grocery Cooperative
(20% PWA discount on vitamins, 10% on groceries, if you have the Helping Hand card)
http://www.rainbowgrocery.coop/ (or
1745 Folsom St.
San Francisco CA 94103
District of Columbia
Carl Vogel Center
1012 14th St. NW, Suite 700, Washington DC 20005
202-638-0750, fax: 202-638-0749
Membership: annual cost $25 (includes a BIA test, reduced prices for massage and acupuncture, an educational symposium, a newsletter, and reduced prices for supplements). The Carl Vogel Center also offers mental health services and treatment education.
AIDS Treatment Initiatives
139 Ralph McGill Blvd. NE Suite 305
Atlanta GA 30308-3339
877-659-2437 toll-free, or 404-659-2437
fax: 404-659-2438
Monday - Thursday, noon to 7 p.m.
Treatment Information Network's Boston Buyers' Club
Boston Living Center, 29 Stanhope St., 3rd Floor
Boston MA 02116
800-435-5586 or 617-266-2223
fax: 617-450-9412
mail order available by Web or phone
New York
New York Buyers' Club
718 573-8123
This new organization, open to all and with a focus on HIV and chronic hepatitis, hopes to establish walk-in sites in New York City for pick-up in 2005. Mail and internet ordering. New treatment catalog coming in early 2005.
Houston Buyers Club
3224 Yoakum Blvd.
Houston TX 77006
800-350-2392, or 713-520-5288
fax: 713-521-7419
Mail order available, including international.
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Copyright 2006 by John S. James. See "Permission to Copy" at: www.aidsnews.org/canhelp/